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  • Writer's pictureHelen Gardiner-Parks

Catching Up and How May I Help You?!

Updated: Sep 29, 2021

Dearest readers of my blog,

First--thank you for joining me on my page.

I appreciate your kind attention.

I hope I am offering you supportive information.

I realize that it’s been a while since I’ve connected on a personal level and, goodness knows, I’ve had a lot of changes in my life.

How about you?
What new experiences are coming into your space?
I truly would love to hear. Please reach out anytime for a chat.

Meanwhile--what’s up with Helen?

Well, you may know from last week’s blog that I have moved into a friend’s house to give my physical body a breather from anything potentially toxic in my family’s home.

We had the mold remediated, but it’s still in me.

My husband has tried to freak people out by saying, “Helen moved out,” without providing context. Ha. But most people know us too well to fall for that ruse. Our marriage is stronger than ever, to be honest.

I’ve been seeing my family just about every day--my new housemate/roommate (we can’t decide which term we like better) put it this way: “You’re dating your family.”

Yes, yes, I am. And it’s been lonely at times, freeing at others. There are many gifts hiding in the change, as well as the challenges of not being with my people, not being with my stuff.

Don’t judge me, please, but I don’t miss the animals. I don’t miss the mess of living with two dogs, a cat, and two adult children.

I do miss the casual connections and, at the same time, I appreciate the intentionality of planning our get-togethers.

I’ve been out on my Toxin Sabbatical for a full week now. Seven weeks of breather left. Have I noticed any physical changes yet?

Nope. No major miracles to report.

I am developing a routine of new supplements, a gentle binder--s. Boulardii, and I’m building up my time in my friend’s sauna. I continue to experience gassiness after lunch, continue to have occasional hot flashes. My skin is continuing to have break-outs of what I call eczema. My abdomen is still tender. My left hamstring continues to be painful at times even after many many weeks of specific PT exercises to strengthen it.

I am back to full cartwheels, so that muscle pull is much better--thank goodness.

Oh, and I am still stuffy and using a little bridge in my nose to sleep.

Too much information?


I am, however, embracing transparency on this healing journey. I have come a long way from my active IBS, my creaking knees, an intensely painful and useless elbow, my almost debilitating hot sweats. My depression and severe anxiety. All the things which drew me into the world of nutritional therapy.

There is something lurking below the surface for me and I am determined to find it--just as I am determined to find it in my clients.

We work together to get at the root of what ails you. All those little symptoms--or not so little--which combine to make your physical health an impediment to the joy you desire.

Let’s stop accepting this as a normal part of getting older. Nope. There is no reason for us to put up with all the things which are advertised on TV. All the things that we are promised as typical of getting older and having a body and which can only be brought under control by pharmaceutical medications with the promise of “side” effects which are as bad as, if not worse than, the ill they are promising to heal.

That is not healing.

The body is a healing miracle and my privilege as a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner is to support it in doing its job.

Consider this message an opportunity to get to know me better, to see if what I’m doing on my own journey is something you can envision for yourself.

I could have kept on keeping on--I mean, I’m over 50 and doing cartwheels everyday, how bad could it be?

It’s not what I want for myself. It’s not optimal health. And that is something to which I am fully committed for myself and for each of you: optimal health.

Optimal mind, body, spirit health.

Please accept my invitation to jump on a call to see if I might serve you.

Meanwhile, here is a glimpse of one of my programs:

Photo credit Steven Wright on Unsplash

The NutriQ Plus Program

Here’s how this plan unfolds:

  1. You complete the comprehensive online NutriQ questionnaire to tease out the connections between multiple symptoms in multiple body systems.

  2. We meet for a full analysis of the results and to develop a game plan of dietary and lifestyle changes.

  3. If supplementation outside of food is appropriate then recommendations will be made at this time.*

  4. You will have full access to me via email for support during the program.

  5. At the end of 30 days you will complete the NutriQ questionnaire again before a wrap-up session to go over the results and celebrate your victories!


  1. Two complete nutritional assessment sessions one-on-on with me.

  2. One game plan session based on the first assessment.

  3. One follow-up session after 30 days.

* Because of their individual nature the cost of supplements is not included in the program.

What results have others experienced working with me?

I lost 40 pounds, am no longer achy, and I feel like a new and “younger” me. My energy level has increased significantly and I have been known to say I got my personality back.

My digestive issues have almost completely disappeared. I have added back foods that previously gave me trouble. I no longer feel sick in the mornings from diarrhea or constipation. I’m eating what I want to eat, although I’m very conscious of eating cleanly and healthily. My lab tests show that my blood work and vitamin levels are in the normal ranges.

I particularly needed the therapy part of nutritional therapist and Helen provided that for me. She worked with my doctor to help me get well by recommending blood tests and suggesting possible solutions, which I in turn could ask my doctor to prescribe.

Helen has truly changed my life, she held me accountable, helped me remain focused, and her passion for life is uplifting. I took this journey totally for myself but it was helpful that I wanted to show my partner (Helen) how much she helped me.

Life before Nutritional Therapy was addictive/emotional type eating, staying up half the night and not sleeping the rest of the night, and having aches and pains in my knees and elbows which was a recent issue. This scared me a bit as I still compete in a sport.

I feel much more in control. The previous food choices I truly feel caused my addictive food cravings. Those are now gone. I sleep better. I have no pains in my joints. Helen makes you feel successful in what you are trying to accomplish. If you fall off the wagon, she helps you back on instead of admonishing or making you feel like you failed. Regardless of what your issue is, Nutritional Therapy with Helen will definitely make your life better.

Please reach out for a complimentary call to see if I might support you--and how. I am here for you.

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