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  • Writer's pictureHelen Gardiner-Parks

A super simple anxiety hack and an invitation...

Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Unless you’re living under a rock, you’re noticing the buzz of activity all around. You’re noticing extra emails, extra promises, extra sales.

I experience them as loud, how about you?

What are you doing to manage? How can we survive during this end-of-year season? Heck, how can we THRIVE?


What is it that you are committed to experiencing? What is it that you are wanting around you? What feelings do you want to be surrounded by? What do you want to create in your life?

A vision is a declaration of what the world will be like if it were entirely up to is an outlet for our deepest and most profound levels of self-expression. *

Let that be your driving energy. Notice the distractions of Buy This, Buy Now; notice the pressures to perform, produce, and compete; and let them go.

Let them go?! Easier said than done, right?!

One thing I like to do is to gently rub two fingertips together as I breathe peace into my body. I focus intently on the sensations of my fingertips touching each other; so intently that I feel the ridges of one upon the other, and I allow my breathing to relax around me.

I melt into the sensations and I experience connection with the source of peace and love in my life. This simple technique grounds me when I give myself even a few seconds to do it; it works especially well when I give myself longer, so I make an effort to have that happen when I can.

It’s worth it; my serenity is the basis of everything worthwhile in my life and it is certainly worth rubbing my fingers together throughout the day. A moment here, a moment there. When I’m calm I pause for a gentle moment of touch. When I’m anxious I may pause longer. And I remind myself to do it by anchoring it to the chiming of the grandmother clock in the dining room.

When I’m out of the house, I commit to fingertip touches when I go through a door and when I meet a new person.

What will support you? Try the touches. Anchor them to something you do throughout the day, whether it’s hearing a clock chiming or picking up a cup to drink.

This is a simple gift you can give yourself to get you thriving as we close out 2021. Please let me know how it works for you.

And if you want more, please consider my RESTART Program:

I am offering my five-week whole-foods “sugar challenge” beginning January 4th and it will be full of simple tips to support you in thriving mentally, physically, and spiritually. It’s the whole package: nutrition education, soul empowerment, emotional support, and physical resources, combined with three-weeks of a whole-foods challenge.

I invite you to fly free of anxiety, brain fog, and weight by registering for my RESTART Program. Join me in putting down processed foods to lift up your health.

Reach out for a chat to connect about whether it's a good fit for you here. Register for the program here.

Good for you and good for the world:
Please know that I contribute 30% of all fees to non-profits I am passionate about: Healing Angels, Veterans Healing Farm, Time Out Youth.

Yes, you can, in community, with love, to help your mind, body, and spirit soar; yes, we can!


* Barry Warren's Gratitude Distinctionary; available as a phone app

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